Senior Spotlight: Jose Segura
There are many things that make a Brother Rice student who he is. None of which are average. We encourage our students to develop their interests and pursuits through experiential learning opportunities, helping them discover hidden talents and passions. Every student’s path is different and we believe that is a good thing. We also believe that only when you are 100% YOU, are you 100% Brother Rice!
In this Senior Spotlight, get to know Jose Segura!

Activities, Awards, and Achievements:
Leadership Ambassador, Kairos Candidate and Leader, Band of Brothers Leader, Band of Brothers Champion with St. Sebastian, A Honor Roll Sophomore – Senior Year, Campus Tour Guide, Spanish Honor Society Member, Varsity Soccer District and Regional Champion and State Finalist, Zidar Family Scholarship Recipient, Varsity Football District Champion
What Band are you a member of?
St. Sebastian
When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?
Amazing, Growth, Determination
What are your next steps after graduation and what is your dream job?
I will study business at Hope College and I’m working to have the chance to play soccer there. I would like to study abroad for a semester in Europe or Japan. I want to make new friends and have fun in college but at the same time work to be successful. I eventually want to have my own business and maybe coach soccer one day.
Who is your favorite teacher and why?
My favorite teacher is Mr. Galli. I’ve known him since sophomore year but didn’t get close to him until this year. He often walks into Mr. Naumann’s class and makes us laugh, and just make the class an amazing environment. As an alumnus, he can relate to everyone at Rice. He can joke around with you, but he will also give you sound advice that can change your life. He’s the definition of Brother Rice and what the school represents. I’ll miss him.
What’s your favorite place on campus and why?
My favorite place on Campus is the soccer field and the locker rooms. The soccer field is where I started my character growth – I have left blood, sweat, and tears on that field. Every time I’d step onto it, I would have one goal in mind, and it was and still is to work harder than anyone else and never give up. When I see those two nets on each side of the field, it reminds me of all the memories of playing the sport I love there. The locker room ties to the field because that is where our coach and soccer team would motivate each other once we were in the playoff run last season. I remember how we would sit there to talk and just bond and have fun. Our coach would show us highlights of Manchester United and motivational videos. That is also where I found many of my brothers.
What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?
My favorite thing about Brother Rice is the culture and the people within these walls. When I shadowed, I remember seeing the brotherhood and how everyone was so close. I immediately knew I wanted to be at Brother Rice. After four years at Rice, I can confirm that this brotherhood and community is real. I love having friends and being able to rely on others when you’re feeling down or need help, and at the same time, I can help others as well. I certainly tried, especially when I was a Kairos leader. Before playing football, I remember how electric the games were and how much fun it was seeing Rice win. This year I got to be in the student section for the basketball and hockey games, and I can tell you it is probably one of the best things in the world when the Warriors are winning and you get wild with your friends. I also loved how well the teachers prepared us for college and how they actually cared about us and had fun with us. They’d teach us important things but at the same time teach us real-life lessons. The relationships I made are incredible, and I will never lose them. This school has taught me always to work to be the best and represent Rice in the best way possible. I plan to do everything I can to make the Brother Rice community proud and to demonstrate that it is the best high school in Michigan. Well, we technically are already declared the best Catholic school in Michigan, but it can always be better. I hope to one day transform the Rice soccer program into a top-level program that only the best can be a part of. Who knows, if I’m blessed with the opportunity, I will donate a grass field for soccer, just like the ones D1 programs have. I was given the blessing of receiving a scholarship, and I saw how much it helped my family, so I, too, am motivated to provide scholarships one day.
What are some of the ways you have grown during your time at Brother Rice?
The growth I have experienced since my first day at Rice is immense. When I came to Rice, I was small, lacked confidence, and was not particularly good at soccer. Now, I have grown into a man that has learned discipline, self-confidence, a hard-working ethic, and a mentality that one must never give up no matter how hard the road gets. I developed these skills through the hunger to be a varsity soccer player. These skills I then applied to my studies and other goals. Things didn’t always go as I had hoped, but that is ok because, throughout the downtimes, I learned lessons that will help me in the future. Not everything can go the way you want it to, but one must keep moving forward and say to yourself that everything will turn out as it must. One is only a failure if he trips on the same rock he tripped on already, meaning that failure is when one does not learn from the mistakes he faces. People who learn from their failures and keep moving forward will already be closer to success than others who decided to quit or deny they have made a mistake.
Describe an experience that you have had at Brother Rice that you could not have had anywhere else:
An experience I had at Brother Rice that I could not have had anywhere else was the closeness students have with each other and with teachers. It was incredible being a part of a school where seniors and freshmen would be friends and get along. I remember being an underclassman and just thinking how cool it was to be able to talk to seniors about sports and relationships. The experiences of going to games with friends and just hanging out with these people are something that I will never forget. I don’t think I would be the person I am right now if it wasn’t for Brother Rice.
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