Honoring a Lifetime Warrior – David Morrow ‘89
“Rice in the D” – Thursday October 6, 2022
An Evening of Brotherhood and Mission
“This is where it all started for me. I want to thank Brother Rice for giving me the tools to have the success that I have had in my life. For me, what is most important now, is trying to pay it forward.” — Dave Morrow ’89, 2017 Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
Grit. Resilience. Determination. Drive.
Even the greatest underdog can outperform his peers and his competitors if his internal focus of mind is grounded with a bedrock belief in himself and his capacity to persevere, adjust, and excel. Success, in the classroom and in the boardroom, on the playing field and in life, is often the by-product of conscious decisions to assess, to study, to practice, to learn, to adapt and to pursue one’s passion.
Success does not come easily. It is not inherited – it is achieved. True success is rooted in gratitude. The most successful in life recognize early on that the road to success is made possible not only by a belief in yourself, but through the belief others have in you. It is this belief, formed and affirmed over time, that fuels personal passion and dictates destiny.
Such is the life story of David K. Morrow ‘89.
Personal passion has been the bedrock of Dave Morrow’s life. Crystalized first on the lacrosse field at Brother Rice High School, and now as a husband, dad, entrepreneur, and business executive, Dave’s passion takes flight in the grit, resilience, determination, and drive that are foundational to his success. It is what has set him apart from the many. It is the result of great influences and influencers.
It is a passion that defines what it means to be a Warrior.

Few alumni embody the Brother Rice “Warrior Spirit” as Dave Morrow ’89. From his formative years on Lahser Road to national acclaim at Princeton University, Dave’s drive for excellence, winning spirit and “whatever it takes” work ethic have fueled his successful businesses and launched a global sports brand honoring his Warrior experience at Brother Rice.
Yet, Dave is one who “walks the talk” and one who values action and impact most evident by paying it forward at Brother Rice in support the next generation of fellow warrior brothers.
In 2005, Dave was the lead donor for Ambrose Field, our first synthetic turf field. Dave’s gift was the largest gift by an alumnus in the history of Brother Rice at the time, paving the way for transformative gifts since. Recognizing the importance of “teamwork” in his own athletic and professional career, Dave had one condition for the gift: “I don’t want to be the only one.”
A pioneer in philanthropy at Brother Rice, Dave’s inspired thinking and example remains a clarion call for others to emulate. Since his transformative gift over a decade ago, Dave has continued to be a steadfast donor to his alma mater, annually supporting direct tuition assistance and the Brother Rice Endowment Fund. Dave’s commitment to the mission of Brother Rice High School is a vivid testament to the values of his life influenced by the love of his parents and the belief his teachers and coaches had in him.
On Thursday, October 6, 2022 more than three-hundred Brother Rice Dads & Grads will gather at the Detroit Athletic Club to celebrate a special bond and a common cause – ensuring affordability and accessibility to a Brother Rice education. It is the singular event on the Brother Rice annual program calendar designed to pass the legacy of an Edmund Rice Christian Brothers Catholic Education from one generation of Warriors to the next.
We invite the Brother Rice Community to join us on October 6th for “Rice in the D” as we celebrate truly an evening of brotherhood and mission taking pause to honor and pay tribute with the presentation of the 2022 Edmund Rice Tuition Warrior Award to a lifetime warrior, David K. Morrow ’89.