Warrior of the Week Caden Hong ’26
As a student, what does Brother Rice mean to you?
Brother Rice’s most important aspect is the community. The people involved in the community represent Brother Rice. My peers and students are there when I need their help. When I needed volunteers, I was overwhelmed by the amount of people who came together in order to support a cause greater than me. Brother Rice is the bridge to all of my future goals in life.
How has Brother Rice helped you improve as a student?
Brother Rice has pushed me to my limits in the academic field. My planning and organization skills have improved as well as my consistency in a routine. Without these skills, I would not be able to thrive in a Brother Rice classroom.
List all your activities and achievements at Brother Rice.
Lacrosse, football, HOSA, Debate, SADD, BRASS, NHS, SHS, Christ Child, Zidar Scholarship, Shepanek Scholarship, Susan Diehl-Jones Scholarship, MacGuidwin scholarship, Alter Server, Core Leader, A honor roll, Tutoring underclassmen
What Band are you a member of?
When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?
Brotherhood, hard work, winning
Who is your favorite teacher or coach, and why?
My favorite teacher is Mrs. Murawski. Physics is my favorite subject and she is the one who introduced me to it. Physics is enjoyable to learn. Her lectures are great and engaging while also teaching me the key concepts I need to know. Mrs. Murawski herself is a very nice person who cares about her students.
What’s your favorite place on campus and why?
My favorite place on campus is the chemistry lab. Although I am not the best at AP Chem, I enjoy the content, especially the labs we perform. Brother Rice has one of the most impressive high school labs I have ever seen. It is apparent that Brother Rice values their science department because of the state of the art equipment and resources for students and teachers.
What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?
My favorite thing about Brother Rice is everything. I have very little issues at this school.
What are some of the ways you have grown since you came to Brother Rice?
Prior to Brother Rice, I was very independent. I refused to work with others or ask for help because I was arrogant and close-minded. Coming to Brother Rice, I realized there were many people just like me and I realized that working together will bring the best and efficient results. I learned I can rely on other people and that there is a community of great people here ready to support me.