Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Bethany Beyer, Brother Rice Teacher of the Year!

Bethany serves as the lead teacher in our Achieve Plus (A+) Center. Although Bethany has only worked at Brother Rice for four years, her impact on our community is far-reaching.

Bethany has been an agent for change in the way teachers work with students who learn differently. She works tirelessly, developing and implementing support plans for students and works very well with all of our teachers. Her positive attitude is refreshing and motivating.

Bethany’s colleagues explain her well-deserved recognition, “she never turns a student away – answers every question for parents, students and teachers; she is a strong advocate for her students, and their success is her success. Bethany is perhaps the most essential teacher that we have. The relationships she has fostered with our students are second to none, and she provides visibility to some of our most vulnerable and at-need kids, especially during this virtual learning process.

Bethany exemplifies all of the qualities of a great teacher: patient, kind, compassionate, talented, gracious, and devoted. She also challenges and inspires our staff with her calming, humorous and insightful communication.

She is a true blessing to our students and the Brother Rice community.