Warrior of the Week Lucas J. Sandiha
As a student, what does Brother Rice (and the experience you have had so far) mean to you?
The experiences I’ve encountered during my four years at Brother Rice have been nothing short of life-changing. The elevated standards set for all students have taught me that achieving anything of true value requires unwavering faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, relentless hard work, and steadfast discipline. Through the Band of Brothers, I have formed enduring relationships that will undoubtedly transcend the confines of our school, shaping a future full of success. The leadership opportunities at Brother Rice are unmatched, and serving as Vice President of this incredible institution has been the honor of my life.
How has Brother Rice helped you improve as a student?
Rather than helping me improve as a student, Brother Rice has made me a student. Through the rigorous curriculum offered, I have learned how to meet deadlines, collaborate with others, and complete all work with integrity, all of which are life lessons that will contribute to my future.
List all your activities(clubs, sports, teams, honors, etc) and achievements at Brother Rice.
I am apart of BEAM&R (our school’s business club), the Real Estate Club, Warriors for Life, and Chieftain Live. Some achievements of mine at Brother Rice include being a member of the National Honor Society, a two-time CORE Leader, a member of the A Honor Roll all thirteen quarters of my time as a Warrior, and the Vice President of the Band of Brothers.
What Band are you a member of?
I am a member of St. Brendan.
When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?
When thinking of Brother Rice, the first three words that come to mind are faith, discipline, and brotherhood.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach and why?
With all of the great teachers that I have had the privilege of learning from, I would say my favorite teacher would have to be Mr. Kalczynski, commonly known as Coach Joe. During my time in Coach Joe’s class, I learned the value of paying attention to detail, reviewing class materials every night, and the importance of approaching every situation, inside and outside of school, with the right mentality. He also motivated all of my brothers and I, which expanded our limits and pushed us to achieve more than we ever though was possible.
What’s your favorite place on campus and why?
My favorite place on campus would have to be the chapel, because it is open all day long for anyone who would like to take a break from their busy schedule and spend a moment with Jesus Christ.
What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?
My favorite thing about Brother is the fact that I am apart of something greater than myself, as the brotherhood stretches out to thousands of successful alumni.
What are some of the ways you have grown since you came to Brother Rice?
Since I have come to Brother Rice, I have grown to become more connected to our Catholic faith, and a man that lives out the pillars of Respect, Integrity, Character, and Excellence.