100% Brother Rice Student Spotlight – Blake Marrogy ’24
There are many things that make a Brother Rice student who he is. None of which are average. We encourage our students to develop their interests and pursuits through experiential learning opportunities, helping them discover hidden talents and passions. Every student’s path is different and we believe that is a good thing. We also believe that only when you are 100% YOU, are you 100% Brother Rice!

“Being a student at Brother Rice is something I will never take for granted. Walking through these doors as a freshman, I didn’t know what to expect. After being here for three years, I can tell you it’s the quickest but best years of your life. I have met so many great people that are part of this brotherhood. I have learned lessons and grown into the man I did not know I would become through the Rice Pillars that are instilled in us every day. Brother Rice has allowed me to create so many memories with so many people that I will cherish forever, and I’m proud to say I am a Warrior!” — Blake Marrogy ’24
Activities, Awards, and Achievements:
A Honor Roll, Varsity Football starting quarterback, voted “Offensive Player of the Year” by teammates, track
What Band are you a member of?
St. Leo
When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?
Family, Brotherhood, Excellence
How has Brother Rice helped you improve as a student?
As a student, Brother Rice has helped me because of the endless care and support you receive from teachers, coaches, staff, etc. Everyone is always willing to help, no matter what.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach?
My favorite coach is Coach K because no matter your state of mind, he is always there to motivate you, make you better, and help you believe.
What’s your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus has to be the football field. The hard work you and your brothers put in together only makes you stronger, and the memories you create by doing something you love are amazing.
What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?
My favorite thing about Brother Rice is the brotherhood that you become a part of the moment you step through the doors. Taking on each and every day with people you love is something you should never take for granted.
What are some of the ways you have grown during your time at Brother Rice?
Since I came to Brother Rice, I have grown in ways I never thought I would. Being here taught me to bring the best out of myself, to be patient, and to always be the best I can be, even when no one is watching.
Find out how you can be 100% Brother Rice by contacting our Enrollment Team for more information.