Senior Spotlight: Luke Sands

There are many things that make a Brother Rice student who he is. None of which are average. We encourage our students to develop their interests and pursuits through experiential learning opportunities, helping them discover hidden talents and passions. Every student’s path is different and we believe that is a good thing. We also believe that only when you are 100% YOU, are you 100% Brother Rice!

In this Senior Spotlight, get to know Luke Sands!

Activities, Awards, and Achievements:

Football, National Honor Society, Student Ambassador, Honor Roll Member, Duchene Catholic League Scholarship

What Band are you a member of?

St. Raphael

When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?

Respect, Excellence, Competitive

What are your next steps after graduation and what is your dream job?

Ave Maria University in Florida is the institution I will be attending next year. I am going to be a part of the football program and I am looking to study Business. I want to be a successful business owner one day and make the lives of the people around me better.

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

My favorite teacher has to be Mr. Higdon or Mr. Hall. I see Mr. Higdon as a teacher but also as a friend. You can crack jokes with him in class and he makes the learning environment one you want to be in. Mr. Hall is a very religious person and is a great role model for me and how I want to live out my Catholic Faith.

What’s your favorite place on campus and why?

My favorite place on campus is the football field or the weight room. These are places I get to do what I love and have a good time with my friends. Lifting weights makes me feel a lot better about myself and playing football is my passion.

What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?

My favorite thing about Brother Rice is the people I am surrounded by. Everyday I am greeted with a smile and almost everyone says hi to me. It is a place where I feel happy and welcomed by all. I have built friendships here that will last forever.

What are some of the ways you have grown during your time at Brother Rice?

I have been able to work on my ability to talk to people. I came to Rice really shy, and I found myself talking to everyone in my grade this year and putting myself out there. I am friends with some of the freshmen, and I know that those guys look up to the seniors, so it feels good to know I am making their day better when I say hi or high-five them.

Describe an experience that you have had at Brother Rice that you could not have had anywhere else:

This is easy. During freshman year, on the raffle drawing day, in the gym, we all started chanting “Friday, Friday, Friday!” in hopes of Mr. O giving us the next day off. When he finally announced that we had Friday off, the entire gym stormed the court, and everyone was jumping on each other. It is just an unforgettable experience.

Find out how you can be 100% Brother Rice by contacting our Enrollment Team for more information.