Student Spotlight – Justin Chappell
There are many things that make a Brother Rice student who he is. None of which are average. We encourage our students to develop their interests and pursuits through experiential learning opportunities, helping them discover hidden talents and passions. Every student’s path is different and we believe that is a good thing. We also believe that only when you are 100% YOU, are you 100% Brother Rice!
In this 100% Brother Rice Student Spotlight, get to know senior Justin Chappell!

“To me, Brother Rice means caring about the people around you and building a strong community together with your friends. It means being humble and grateful for what we have. Finally, to extend our hands to all those in need and make them our brothers and sisters.” — Justine Chappell ’23
Activities, Awards, and Achievements:
Track and Field Athlete, Mech Warriors Robotics Member, Student Leadership Ambassador, Peer Tutor, BASE President, member of the Youth Action Board (YAB) for Birmingham/Bloomfield Community Coalition, and 1st Place Award recipient of the Architectural Construction and Engineering ACE Mentor Program competition.
What Band are you a member of?
St. Sebastian
When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?
Honorable, Dedicated and Humble
How has Brother Rice helped you improve as a student?
Brother rice has helped me grow as a leader and challenged my thinking time and time again, always pushing me to take the next step in both my academic endeavors and inner thinking. Brother Rice has taught me to always be hungry for knowledge and to want to learn about the world around me.
Who is your favorite teacher or coach?
My favorite teacher is Mr. Seneski. I have had him three out of my four years at Brother Rice and he has made such an impact on my life. English is one of my favorite subjects and he helped bring that out of me during classes. In addition, his ability to teach Christian Morality really resonated with me. His words have inspired me to be better and I have learned to think outside of myself, to better care for others. He is a real inspiration.
What’s your favorite place on campus?
My favorite place on campus definitely has to be the Center for Learning & Achievement. I spend time tutoring students there as well as laughing with my friends. It is a place that feels like home, both by myself and with my brothers here at Brother Rice.
What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?
My favorite thing about Brother Rice definitely has to be the relationships and companionship. Brother Rice takes time to help build relationships between the younger and older students through the Band of Brothers. This collective organization of both younger and older students gives older students the chance to be mentors and helps the younger generations have someone to look up to and be inspired by. The program really helped me as a freshman and in turn, I have now been given the opportunity to help those younger than me and build relationships with them.
What are some of the ways you have grown during your time at Brother Rice?
I have definitely grown in my world view since attending Brother Rice. Many of us that attend this school are very fortunate and blessed. Brother Rice has helped me realize that there are many people out there that are not as fortunate. I have grown in my thinking in wanting to help others as not everyone has the same opportunities as me. Even though we are thought of as a sports school, Brother Rice’s primary focus is creating good young men.
Find out how you can be 100% Brother Rice by contacting our Enrollment Team for more information.