100% Brother Rice Student Spotlight – Michael Herb ’23

There are many things that make a Brother Rice student who he is. None of which are average. We encourage our students to develop their interests and pursuits through experiential learning opportunities, helping them discover hidden talents and passions. Every student’s path is different and we believe that is a good thing. We also believe that only when you are 100% YOU, are you 100% Brother Rice!

“The Brother Rice experience has been life-changing for me. My classmates and I bonded and have grown closer through demanding classes, fun experiences, and going through good and bad times together. I am glad to be a Warrior forever!” — Michael Herb ’23

Activities, Awards, and Achievements:

Zidar Scholarship recipient, Tutoring, Hockey Team Manager, Snowboarding, Golf

What Band are you a member of?

St. Max Kolbe

When you think of Brother Rice, what three words come to mind first?

Brotherhood, Achievement, Different

How has Brother Rice helped you improve as a student?

Brother Rice challenged me. It made me realize how hard I will have to work to become successful. It definitely improved my organizational skills as well. As a result, my work is much cleaner and more efficient than it was before high school.

Who is your favorite teacher or coach?

Mr. Kase is my favorite teacher because he really cares about his students. He is a very good teacher who challenges his students to push themselves to excel, but he also understands our struggles. He is very funny and lights up the room with his famous Buenos Dias every period.

What’s your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is the lunchroom, where we get to build friendships every day by helping other students with academics or by talking to them. It is something new every day.

What’s your favorite thing about Brother Rice?

My favorite thing about Brother Rice is mentor group. I have said this and believed this ever since I started at Rice. During my freshman year, I was friends with seniors, which was just so cool to me. They were kids I looked up to, and I am still in contact with them to this day. It is the reason I volunteer to lead meetings. I have gotten to know ten boys who come up to me as a friend. They are younger, but there is a real connection just by talking to them and taking time out of my day to mentor them. This is the best thing about Rice and is something I will truly miss.

What are some of the ways you have grown during your time at Brother Rice?

One of the ways I have grown at Brother Rice is that I have become more outgoing. I have lots of new friends from hockey. I have also made friends by asking how someone’s day is or by sitting with them at lunch. I have also become a firmer believer in God. Kairos really changed my attitude in an extreme way. It has changed my life. When I learned religion at Rice, it built the road towards understanding God more and believing in him fully. Mr. Sanders’ class was a real eye-opener, and he answered many incredibly complex questions. He made them simpler and helped me incredibly on my journey.

Find out how you can be 100% Brother Rice by contacting our Enrollment Team for more information.