100% Brother Rice Spotlight – Mr. Kyle Galli ’10
There are many things that make a Brother Rice student who he is. None of which are average. We encourage our students to develop their interests and pursuits through experiential learning opportunities, helping them discover hidden talents and passions. Every student’s path is different and we believe that is a good thing. We also believe that only when you are 100% YOU, are you 100% Brother Rice!
The same is true for our faculty and staff. Every adult on campus is fully committed to helping each student become his best self, and they do this by being theirs.
In this 100% Brother Rice Spotlight, get to know Mr. Kyle Galli ’10

“After graduating from Brother Rice in 2010, I was blessed with the opportunity to return eight years ago to teach math and coach baseball, football, and basketball. In addition to my teaching and coaching, I have also had the privilege of serving as the Band Dean for St. Leo, and through this role, I have been reminded of all the life lessons I learned during my time as a student at Brother Rice. Every day, I wake up hoping to make a similar impact on the students and athletes I teach and coach. This place is special, and I am honored to have the opportunity to call Brother Rice home.” — Mr. Kyle Galli ’10