The Band of Brothers

The Band of Brothers is a schoolwide system that helps to create leadership opportunities as well as growth in camaraderie across class lines. The system began in the Fall of 2007 and has continued to grow in strength and popularity each year. The students aspire to grow from the inside out to match-up with what the 4 pillars of the Band of Brothers stand for:



“Show kindness and honor to all”



“Honesty, morality, and compassion to the highest degree”



“Do the right thing regardless of who is watching, even if it is the hard choice”



“Consistently performing at your maximum potential, while still striving to be better the next day”

The Band of Brothers embrace Christian Brother values that enhance the pastoral care to all students, strengthen its sense of community, promote the development of relationships, and enable a more proactive development of leadership skills before heading off to college.

The 6 Bands are shown below. Students are given the opportunity to learn about the unique lives these Saints lived, and are encouraged to mimic the character values that they displayed in their everyday life:

St. Brendan

St. Leo the Great

St. Maximilian Kolbe

St. Padre Pio

St. Raphael

St. Sebastian

The Band of Brothers

The Band of Brothers program enhances the Brotherhood Experience and provides opportunities for students to interact across grade levels, benefiting the community with increased school spirit, positive peer pressure, social connectedness, and healthy competition.

The Band of Brothers program is designed to foster deep, meaningful relationships among students. The program is a mentorship initiative designed to foster a supportive and inclusive school community. The program mixes upperclassmen with underclassmen to guide and support them through their high school journey. The program emphasizes promoting academic excellence and encouraging personal growth.

Students are divided into six bands and remain in these groups until graduation -- each band is sectioned into smaller mentor groups. Through regular mentor group meetings, group activities, and community service projects, the program aims to instill values and cultivate a positive school culture. It helps new students acclimate to high school life while empowering older students to take on leadership roles and make a meaningful impact on their peers.


Blake M.

“The Band of Brothers program was the highlight of my Brother Rice experience. This foundation bonded us as classmates and friends, and also strengthened our unity as Warriors. Earning the role of class president was deeply meaningful for me because when I started at this incredible school, I knew only a few faces. Thanks to the Band of Brothers, I developed crucial leadership skills and made friendships that will last a lifetime."

The Band of Brothers Leadership

joe Kalczynski '96

Mr. Joe Kalczynski ‘96

Band of Brothers
Program Director

Lindsay Hoyt
Mrs. Lindsay Hoyt

St. Sebastian

mike venos
Mr. Mike Venos

St. Maximilian Kolbe

Kyle Galli '10
Mr. Kyle Galli ‘10

St. Leo the Great

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Ms. Wendy Nuss

St. Brendan

Mr. Chris Kase

St. Raphael