Game Results

03/07@ Oakland County Logo Oakland CountyTrack & Field -
03/28@ EGR Logo EGRVarsity Lacrosse -
03/28@ Byron Center Varsity Logo Byron Center VarsityVarsity B Lacrosse -
03/28@ Byron Central Logo Byron CentralJV Lacrosse -
03/26vs. Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleVarsity Baseball -
03/26@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleJV Baseball -
03/25@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesJV Lacrosse -
03/25@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralFreshman Baseball -
03/25@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesVarsity LacrosseW 16 - 1
03/24@ GPS Logo GPSJV Baseball -
03/22vs. Byron Center Logo Byron CenterVarsity Baseball -
03/22vs. Bay City Western Logo Bay City WesternVarsity Baseball -
03/19@ Brighton Logo BrightonJV Lacrosse -
03/19@ Brighton Logo BrightonVarsity LacrosseW 9 - 4
03/18vs. Lake Orion Logo Lake OrionJV Lacrosse -
03/18vs. Lake Orion Logo Lake OrionVarsity B Lacrosse -
03/15@ Detroit Country Day Logo Detroit Country DayVarsity Lacrosse -
03/15vs. State Finals Logo State FinalsSwimming -
03/14vs. State Prelims Logo State PrelimsSwimming -
03/05@ Cranbrook Logo CranbrookVarsity B Lacrosse -
03/13vs. Grosse Pointe South Logo Grosse Pointe SouthVarsity B Lacrosse -
03/08vs. CHSL Championship Logo CHSL Championship@ Waterford KetteringSwimming -
03/07vs. CHSL Prelim Logo CHSL Prelim@ Waterford KetteringSwimming -
03/06vs. MHSAA Semifinals - Livionia Stevenson Logo MHSAA Semifinals - Livionia Stevenson@ USA ArenaVarsity HockeyL 2 - 6
03/04vs. Regional Semifinals - TBD Logo Regional Semifinals - TBD@ Detroit Renaissance High SchoolVarsity BasketballL 58 - 60
03/01@ MHSAA Ind. State Finals Logo MHSAA Ind. State Finals@ Ford FieldWrestlingView Results
03/01vs. Trenton - MHSAA Quarterfinals Logo Trenton - MHSAA Quarterfinals@ Allen ParkVarsity HockeyW 2 - 4
02/28@ MHSAA Ind. State Finals Logo MHSAA Ind. State Finals@ Ford FieldWrestling -
02/28vs. Groves - MHSAA District Final Logo Groves - MHSAA District Final@ Groves High SchoolVarsity BasketballW 61 - 64
02/27vs. CHSL Diving Logo CHSL Diving@ Waterford KetteringSwimming -
02/26vs. Oak Park - MHSAA Districts Logo Oak Park - MHSAA Districts@ Groves High SchoolVarsity BasketballW 21 - 66
02/26vs. U of D - MHSAA Regional Logo U of D - MHSAA Regional@ Allen ParkVarsity HockeyW 1 - 7
02/24vs. MHSAA Div II State Championships @ Boyne Mt. Logo MHSAA Div II State Championships @ Boyne Mt.SkiingView Results
02/22@ MHSAA Team State Finals Logo MHSAA Team State FinalsWrestling -
02/22@ Allen Park - Regional Semifinal Logo Allen Park - Regional Semifinal@ Allen ParkVarsity HockeyW 8 - 0
02/21@ MHSAA Team State Finals Logo MHSAA Team State FinalsWrestling -
02/20vs. Detroit Pershing Logo Detroit PershingVarsity BasketballW 51 - 88
02/18vs. SEMSL Championship @ TBD Logo SEMSL Championship @ TBDSkiing -
02/18vs. DeLaSalle/Greenhills Logo DeLaSalle/Greenhills@ Warren Woods TowerSwimming -
02/18vs. Lincoln King Logo Lincoln King@ Brother Rice High SchoolVarsity BasketballW 48 - 90
02/15@ MHSAA Ind. Regional Logo MHSAA Ind. Regional@ Warren Woods TowerWrestling -
02/15vs. MJVHL Playoffs Logo MJVHL PlayoffsJV Hockey -
02/13vs. Northville Logo Northville@ Bigby Ice CubeJV HockeyW 0 - 1
02/13vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sFreshman BasketballL 47 - 71
02/13vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sJV BasketballL 40 - 42
02/13vs. JV Open @ Alpine Logo JV Open @ AlpineSkiing -
02/12@ MHSAA Team Regional vs Warren Woods Tower Logo MHSAA Team Regional vs Warren Woods TowerWrestlingL 27 - 40
02/12vs. TBD Logo TBDJV Basketball -
02/12vs. TBD Logo TBDFreshman Basketball -
02/12vs. Brighton Logo BrightonJV Hockey -
02/12@ Brighton Logo BrightonVarsity HockeyT 5 - 5
02/11vs. MHSAA Regional 6 @ Alpine Valley Logo MHSAA Regional 6 @ Alpine ValleySkiingView Results
02/11@ Howell Logo Howell@ Ice DenVarsity B HockeyL 1 - 3
02/11vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’s@ Marian High SchoolVarsity BasketballL 41 - 72
02/10vs. M-1 Unified Logo M-1 Unified@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV Hockey -
02/08@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sJV HockeyL 1 - 2
02/08@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sVarsity HockeyL 2 - 3
02/08@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sVarsity B HockeyL 2 - 5
02/08vs. Scrimmage Nubs Knob Logo Scrimmage Nubs KnobSkiing -
02/08@ MHSAA Ind. District Logo MHSAA Ind. DistrictWrestling -
02/08vs. Oakland County Logo Oakland CountySwimmingView Results
02/08vs. Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De Sales@ Marian High SchoolVarsity BasketballW 58 - 55
02/07@ U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitVarsity HockeyL 0 - 2
02/06vs. Alpine Valley Division Championships @ Alpine Valley Logo Alpine Valley Division Championships @ Alpine ValleySkiing -
02/06vs. CHSL Tournament vs. St. Francis DeSales Logo CHSL Tournament vs. St. Francis DeSalesJV BasketballW 62 - 72
02/06vs. CHSL Tournament vs. St. Francis DeSales Logo CHSL Tournament vs. St. Francis DeSalesFreshman BasketballW 57 - 69
02/05@ MHSAA Team District Logo MHSAA Team DistrictWrestling -
02/04vs. L L'anse Cruise NorthFreshman BasketballW 53 - 70
02/04vs. L L'anse Cruise NorthJV BasketballW 53 - 86
02/04vs. L L'anse Cruise NorthVarsity BasketballW 52 - 80
02/04vs. Cranbrook Logo Cranbrook@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyW 0 - 3
02/04vs. Cranbrook Logo Cranbrook@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 1 - 4
02/03vs. CHSL Championship @ Alpine Valley Logo CHSL Championship @ Alpine ValleySkiing -
02/01vs. Howell Logo HowellVarsity HockeyW 2 - 3
02/01vs. Turnpike League Playoff @ Trenton Logo Turnpike League Playoff @ TrentonVarsity B Hockey -
02/01@ LW (VB) Logo LW (VB)Wrestling -
02/01@ CHSL Championships Logo CHSL ChampionshipsWrestling -
01/31vs. Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitFreshman BasketballL 55 - 68
01/31vs. Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitJV BasketballW 70 - 61
01/31vs. Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitVarsity BasketballW 70 - 60
01/31@ Brighton Logo BrightonJV Hockey -
01/31vs. St. Edwards Logo St. EdwardsVarsity HockeyW 2 - 4
01/31vs. Houghton VB Logo Houghton VB@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B Hockey -
01/31vs. Don Thomas Cup @ Alpine Logo Don Thomas Cup @ AlpineSkiing -
01/30vs. Cranbrook Logo CranbrookSwimming -
01/29@ Walled Lake Northern Logo Walled Lake NorthernWrestling -
01/28vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicFreshman BasketballW 61 - 51
01/28vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicJV BasketballW 74 - 67
01/28vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicVarsity BasketballW 82 - 67
01/28vs. SL Race Day Logo SL Race DaySkiing -
01/27vs. Salem Logo Salem@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 4 - 2
01/27vs. CC VB Logo CC VB@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B Hockey -
01/25vs. St. Ignatius Logo St. Ignatius@ USA ArenaVarsity HockeyW 4 - 3
01/25vs. Turnpike League Playoff @ Taylor/Trenton Logo Turnpike League Playoff @ Taylor/TrentonVarsity B Hockey -
01/25vs. Scrimmage Nubs Knob Logo Scrimmage Nubs KnobSkiing -
01/25vs. Scrimmage Nubs Knob Logo Scrimmage Nubs KnobSkiing -
01/25@ Utica Invite (JV) Logo Utica Invite (JV)Wrestling -
01/25@ Observerland Invite Logo Observerland InviteWrestling -
01/24vs. Royal Oak/Dexter/Fenton Logo Royal Oak/Dexter/FentonSwimming -
01/24vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sFreshman Basketball -
01/24vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sJV Basketball -
01/24vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sVarsity BasketballW 66 - 64
01/24vs. Lake Forest Academy Logo Lake Forest Academy@ USA ArenaVarsity HockeyL 2 - 3
01/23vs. Northville Logo Northville@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV Hockey -
01/23vs. Uof D/Ferndale Logo Uof D/FerndaleSwimming -
01/23vs. Uof D/Ferndale Logo Uof D/FerndaleSwimming -
01/22@ Spotlight Dual Logo Spotlight DualWrestling -
01/22vs. PHN Logo PHN@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 1 - 9
01/21vs. GS Race Day Logo GS Race DaySkiing -
01/20vs. MAC Showcase Logo MAC Showcase@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B Hockey -
01/18vs. Hartland VB Logo Hartland VB@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B Hockey -
01/18@ Ron Russo Invite Logo Ron Russo Invite@ KalamazooWrestling -
01/18vs. Dexter Logo DexterSwimming -
01/17@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesFreshman Basketball -
01/17@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesJV Basketball -
01/17@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesVarsity BasketballW 72 - 66
01/16vs. Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic Central@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV Hockey -
01/16@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic Central@ USA ArenaVarsity Hockey -
01/16vs. Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralVarsity B Hockey -
01/16@ Catholic Central & Divine Child Logo Catholic Central & Divine Child@ Waterford KetteringSwimming -
01/15vs. UofD (Brother Rice Quad) Logo UofD (Brother Rice Quad)WrestlingW 22 - 53
01/15vs. DLS (Brother Rice Quad) Logo DLS (Brother Rice Quad)WrestlingW 28 - 41
01/15@ University Liggett Logo University Liggett@ McCann ArenaJV HockeyL 2 - 4
01/14vs. Clarkston Logo Clarkston@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 2 - 3
01/14vs. Slalom vs. OLSM Logo Slalom vs. OLSM@ AlpineSkiingW 14 - 22
01/14vs. Slalom vs. Walled Lake Central Logo Slalom vs. Walled Lake Central@ AlpineSkiingL 28 - 10
01/11@ Chippewa Valley Tournament Logo Chippewa Valley TournamentWrestlingL 30 - 44
01/11@ Warren Mott - Chippewa Valley Tournament Logo Warren Mott - Chippewa Valley TournamentWrestlingW 44 - 31
01/11@ Muskegon (Gotta Get it Classic) Logo Muskegon (Gotta Get it Classic)@ East KentwoodVarsity BasketballW 66 - 50
01/11vs. Calumet @ Calumet Logo Calumet @ CalumetVarsity HockeyW 2 - 3
01/11vs. University School Logo University School@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyW 0 - 1
01/10@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralJV BasketballW 71 - 67
01/10@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralVarsity BasketballW 76 - 34
01/10vs. Houghton Logo Houghton@ Dee StadiumVarsity HockeyW 1 - 5
01/10vs. Gilmour Academy Logo Gilmour Academy@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyW 0 - 4
01/10vs. Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralFreshman BasketballL 44 - 71
01/10@ Lapeer (JV) Logo Lapeer (JV)Wrestling -
01/10@ Ann Arbor Huron Logo Ann Arbor HuronSwimmingW 104 - 72
01/09@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La Salle@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyL 3 - 9
01/08vs. CC White Logo CC White@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyT 2 - 2
01/07vs. Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleFreshman BasketballW 53 - 44
01/07vs. Frederick Douglass Logo Frederick DouglassJV BasketballL 34 - 74
01/07vs. Frederick Douglass Logo Frederick DouglassVarsity BasketballW 58 - 24
01/07vs. Giant Slalom vs. Milford Logo Giant Slalom vs. Milford@ AlpineSkiingW 21 - 16
01/07vs. Giant Slalom vs. Novi Logo Giant Slalom vs. Novi@ AlpineSkiingW 26 - 10
01/04vs. Lakeview Invite Logo Lakeview InviteSwimming -
01/04@ Lake Orion Invite Logo Lake Orion InviteWrestling -
01/04@ Dan Lowe Invite Logo Dan Lowe Invite@ Bishop FoleyWrestling -
01/04vs. South Lyon East Logo South Lyon EastFreshman Basketball -
01/04vs. South Lyon East Logo South Lyon EastJV BasketballW 45 - 90
01/04@ Mike Turner Classic vs.Jackson Logo Mike Turner Classic vs.Jackson@ Albion CollegeVarsity BasketballW 74 - 31
01/03vs. Brother Rice Quad Logo Brother Rice QuadWrestling -
12/29/2024@ Holiday Showcase vs. New Standard Logo Holiday Showcase vs. New Standard@ North FarmingtonVarsity BasketballW 84 - 27
12/28/2024@ Warren Lincoln Logo Warren Lincoln@ FerndaleVarsity BasketballW 69 - 57
12/27/2024vs. Zeeland Invite Logo Zeeland InviteSwimming -
12/27/2024vs. Titan Invite Logo Titan Invite@ StevensonWrestling -
12/22/2024vs. Alumni Game Logo Alumni GameVarsity Basketball -
12/21/2024@ D Zone Shootout vs. East Kentwood Logo D Zone Shootout vs. East KentwoodVarsity BasketballW 77 - 58
12/21/2024vs. Linden Team Tournament Logo Linden Team TournamentWrestling -
12/19/2024@ Notre Dame Prep Logo Notre Dame Prep@ Waterford KetteringSwimming -
12/19/2024@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sFreshman Basketball -
12/19/2024@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sJV Basketball -
12/19/2024vs. Rochester Logo Rochester@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV Hockey -
12/19/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D Jesuit@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity Hockey -
12/17/2024vs. Bloomfield Logo Bloomfield@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyL 2 - 8
12/14/2024vs. Plymouth Logo Plymouth@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyW 5 - 0
12/14/2024vs. MIHL/KLAA vs Hartland Logo MIHL/KLAA vs Hartland@ Eddie Edgar Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyL 0 - 3
12/14/2024@ Oakland County Championship Logo Oakland County Championship@ Lake Orion High SchoolWrestling 123.5 -
12/14/2024vs. Warrior Relays Logo Warrior Relays@ Waterford KetteringSwimming -
12/13/2024@ Oakland County Championship Logo Oakland County Championship@ Lake Orion High SchoolWrestling -
12/13/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleFreshman BasketballW 57 - 52
12/13/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleJV BasketballW 75 - 50
12/13/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleVarsity BasketballW 68 - 67
12/12/2024vs. Howell V Green Logo Howell V Green@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyL 5 - 1
12/11/2024@ Plymouth Salem Logo Plymouth SalemFreshman BasketballW 64 - 41
12/11/2024@ Plymouth Salem Logo Plymouth SalemJV BasketballW 54 - 45
12/11/2024vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’s@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyL 1 - 3
12/11/2024vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’s@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyL 1 - 3
12/11/2024vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’s@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyL 1 - 5
12/10/2024vs. Grosse Pointe South Logo Grosse Pointe South@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 8 - 0
12/10/2024vs. Grosse Pointe North Logo Grosse Pointe North@ Fraser HockleylandVarsity B HockeyW 4 - 2
12/10/2024@ Walled Lake Central Logo Walled Lake CentralVarsity BasketballW 68 - 57
12/10/2024@ Walled Lake Central Logo Walled Lake CentralFreshman BasketballW 68 - 22
12/10/2024@ Walled Lake Central Logo Walled Lake CentralJV BasketballW 72 - 49
12/07/2024@ Toys for Tots Invite Logo Toys for Tots Invite@ Warren MottWrestling 156 -
12/07/2024@ Martin Luther King at Horatio Williams Tournment Logo Martin Luther King at Horatio Williams Tournment@ North FarmingtonVarsity Basketball -
12/07/2024vs. Loyola Logo LoyolaFreshman BasketballW 48 - 82
12/07/2024vs. Loyola Logo LoyolaJV BasketballW 41 - 77
12/07/2024vs. CHSL Final @ Rice/CC Logo CHSL Final @ Rice/CCVarsity HockeyL 7 - 1
12/07/2024vs. St. Edwards Logo St. Edwards@ John M. Coyne Rec Center ClevelandVarsity B HockeyL 4 - 3
12/06/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitFreshman BasketballW 75 - 30
12/06/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitJV BasketballW 72 - 57
12/06/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitVarsity BasketballL 44 - 58
12/06/2024@ Cranbrook Logo CranbrookJV HockeyL 1 - 4
12/06/2024vs. St. Ignatius Logo St. Ignatius@ John M. Coyne Rec Center ClevelandVarsity B HockeyL 3 - 1
12/05/2024vs. CHSL Tournament vs. Gabriel Richard Logo CHSL Tournament vs. Gabriel Richard@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 4 - 9
12/04/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La Salle@ Big Boy ArenaJV HockeyL 1 - 4
12/04/2024vs. Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La Salle@ Mt. Clemens ArenaVarsity HockeyL 5 - 6
12/04/2024@ Romeo Logo RomeoWrestlingL 15 - 59
12/04/2024@ Grand Blanc Logo Grand Blanc@ Mt. Clemens ArenaWrestlingW 53 - 30
12/03/2024@ Divine Child Logo Divine ChildFreshman BasketballW 57 - 45
12/03/2024@ Divine Child Logo Divine ChildJV BasketballW 87 - 25
12/03/2024@ Divine Child Logo Divine ChildVarsity BasketballW 58 - 45
11/30/2024vs. Plymouth Logo Plymouth@ Brother Rice High SchoolFreshman BasketballW 39 - 84
11/30/2024vs. Plymouth Logo Plymouth@ Brother Rice High SchoolJV BasketballW 38 - 78
11/30/2024vs. Plymouth Logo Plymouth@ Brother Rice High SchoolVarsity BasketballW 29 - 73
11/27/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic Central@ USA ArenaJV HockeyL 0 - 3
11/27/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic Central@ USA ArenaVarsity HockeyL 3 - 4
11/27/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic Central@ USA ArenaVarsity B HockeyL 1 - 6
11/26/2024@ Ferndale Logo FerndaleFreshman BasketballW 64 - 52
11/26/2024@ Ferndale Logo FerndaleJV BasketballW 73 - 37
11/26/2024@ Ferndale Logo FerndaleVarsity BasketballW 85 - 49
11/26/2024vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sVarsity B HockeyL 3 - 11
11/25/2024vs. Hartland VB Logo Hartland VB@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity B HockeyL 1 - 5
11/23/2024@ Belleville Logo BellevilleVarsity Basketball -
11/23/2024@ Trenton Logo Trenton@ Trenton ArenaJV HockeyT 1 - 1
11/23/2024@ Trenton Logo Trenton@ Trenton ArenaVarsity B HockeyW 6 - 0
11/23/2024vs. Warrior Rumble Logo Warrior RumbleWrestling -
11/21/2024vs. Trenton Logo Trenton@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyW 1 - 8
11/21/2024vs. Trenton Logo Trenton@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyT 2 - 2
11/20/2024vs. Clarkston (Scrimmage) Logo Clarkston (Scrimmage)Freshman Basketball -
11/20/2024vs. Clarkston (Scrimmage) Logo Clarkston (Scrimmage)JV Basketball -
11/20/2024vs. Clarkston (Scrimmage) Logo Clarkston (Scrimmage)Varsity Basketball -
11/19/2024vs. Brighton Logo Brighton@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyW 1 - 2
11/19/2024vs. Allen Park Logo Allen Park@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyW 0 - 12
11/16/2024@ Northville Logo Northville@ Novi Ice ArenaJV HockeyL 1 - 3
11/15/2024vs. Marquette Logo Marquette@ Oak Park Ice ArenaJV HockeyT 4 - 4
11/15/2024vs. Marquette Logo Marquette@ Oak Park Ice ArenaVarsity HockeyL 1 - 0
11/15/2024vs. Hartland VB Logo Hartland VB@ Hartland ArenaVarsity B HockeyL 3 - 1
11/13/2024vs. Detroit Country Day Logo Detroit Country DayVarsity Hockey -
11/13/2024vs. Trenton JV Logo Trenton JVVarsity B HockeyW 5 - 1
11/02/2024State FinalsCross Country -
10/26/2024@ Sterling Heights Stevenson Logo Sterling Heights StevensonJV FootballT 0 - 0
10/26/2024vs. Sterling Heights Stevenson Logo Sterling Heights StevensonFreshman FootballW 14 - 6
10/26/2024MHSAA RegionalsCross CountryL 10 - 1
10/25/2024@ Sterling Heights Stevenson Logo Sterling Heights StevensonVarsity FootballL 6 - 30
10/19/2024@ MHSAA State Championship Logo MHSAA State ChampionshipVarsity TennisL 4 - 100
10/18/2024vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sVarsity FootballL 10 - 51
10/17/2024@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sJV FootballL 17 - 33
10/17/2024@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sFreshman FootballW 14 - 6
10/15/2024@ Cranbrook (MHSAA District Semi-Final) Logo Cranbrook (MHSAA District Semi-Final)Varsity SoccerL 0 - 2
10/13/2024@ Alumni Match Logo Alumni MatchVarsity Tennis -
10/12/2024vs. Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleJV FootballL 0 - 30
10/12/2024vs. Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleFreshman FootballL 0 - 7
10/12/2024Gaberiel Richard InviteCross CountryL 11 - 1
10/11/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleVarsity FootballL 21 - 42
10/10/2024@ MHSAA Regionals Logo MHSAA RegionalsVarsity TennisW 2 - 1
10/10/2024vs. Pontiac (MHSAA District Qtr Final) Logo Pontiac (MHSAA District Qtr Final)Varsity SoccerW 0 - 8
10/09/2024CHSL ChampionshipsCross CountryL 10 - 1
10/06/2024@ Detroit Western Logo Detroit WesternJV A SoccerW 3 - 1
10/06/2024@ Detroit Western Logo Detroit WesternVarsity SoccerT 3 - 3
10/05/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralJV FootballL 14 - 21
10/05/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralFreshman FootballL 14 - 26
10/05/2024Oakland County ChampionshipsCross CountryL 29 - 1
10/04/2024vs. Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralVarsity FootballL 14 - 26
10/03/2024vs. Northville Logo NorthvilleVarsity TennisW 4 - 3
10/03/2024@ Northville Logo NorthvilleJV Tennis -
10/02/2024vs. AA Pioneer Logo AA PioneerVarsity TennisW 1 - 7
10/02/2024@ AA Pioneer Logo AA PioneerJV TennisW 6 - 2
10/01/2024@ Saline High School Logo Saline High SchoolJV B Soccer -
09/30/2024@ Divine Child Logo Divine ChildVarsity Soccer -
09/30/2024@ AA Greenhills Logo AA GreenhillsJV B Soccer -
09/28/2024@ Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitJV FootballW 17 - 0
09/28/2024@ Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitFreshman FootballW 20 - 12
09/28/2024vs. Okemos Logo OkemosVarsity SoccerW 2 - 3
09/28/2024vs. Okemos Logo OkemosJV A SoccerL 2 - 0
09/28/2024vs. Okemos Logo OkemosJV B SoccerL 7 - 0
09/28/2024Hansons InviteCross Country -
09/28/2024@ Catholic League Championship Logo Catholic League ChampionshipVarsity Tennis -
09/27/2024vs. Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitVarsity FootballW 22 - 21
09/26/2024vs. Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesVarsity SoccerL 3 - 4
09/26/2024vs. Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesJV A SoccerT 1 - 1
09/26/2024@ Troy Athens Logo Troy AthensVarsity TennisW 6 - 2
09/26/2024vs. Troy Athens Logo Troy AthensJV TennisW 8 - 0
09/25/2024CHSL JamboreeCross Country -
09/25/2024@ Detroit Country Day Logo Detroit Country DayJV TennisW 5 - 3
09/24/2024vs. Pontiac High School Logo Pontiac High SchoolVarsity SoccerW 0 - 8
09/24/2024vs. Pontiac High School Logo Pontiac High SchoolJV A SoccerW 0 - 7
09/21/2024Mott ClassicCross Country -
09/21/2024vs. Rice Quad Logo Rice QuadVarsity TennisW 15 - 22
09/21/2024@ Eagles Invite Logo Eagles InviteJV TennisW 2 - 1
09/20/2024vs. River Rouge High School Logo River Rouge High SchoolVarsity FootballW 14 - 7
09/19/2024@ River Rouge High School Logo River Rouge High SchoolJV FootballW 12 - 6
09/19/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitVarsity SoccerW 3 - 1
09/19/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitJV A SoccerW 4 - 2
09/19/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitJV B SoccerT 2 - 2
09/19/2024@ AA Greenhills Logo AA GreenhillsVarsity TennisW 5 - 4
09/19/2024vs. AA Greenhills Logo AA GreenhillsJV TennisW 1 - 7
09/18/2024@ Seaholm @ Marian Logo Seaholm @ MarianJV TennisW 5 - 3
09/17/2024vs. Saline High School Logo Saline High SchoolVarsity SoccerL 0 - 8
09/17/2024vs. Saline High School Logo Saline High SchoolJV A SoccerL 0 - 3
09/16/2024vs. Cranbrook Logo CranbrookVarsity TennisL 3 - 5
09/16/2024@ Cranbrook Logo CranbrookJV TennisL 1 - 7
09/14/2024vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicJV FootballL 6 - 36
09/14/2024vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicFreshman FootballL 0 - 33
09/14/2024vs. Hartland Logo HartlandVarsity SoccerW 6 - 1
09/14/2024vs. Hartland Logo HartlandJV A SoccerW 2 - 1
09/14/2024vs. Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralJV B SoccerL 3 - 8
09/14/2024Autumn ClassicCross Country -
09/14/2024@ Novi Quad Logo Novi QuadVarsity TennisL 1 - 2
09/13/2024@ Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicVarsity FootballL 0 - 37
09/13/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleVarsity SoccerL 1 - 3
09/13/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleJV A SoccerL 1 - 2
09/12/2024@ University Liggett Logo University LiggettVarsity TennisW 8 - 0
09/12/2024vs. University Liggett Logo University LiggettJV TennisW 6 - 1
09/11/2024CHSL JamboreeCross CountryL 3 - 1
09/10/2024@ Stoney Creek High School Logo Stoney Creek High SchoolVarsity SoccerL 0 - 1
09/10/2024@ Stoney Creek High School Logo Stoney Creek High SchoolJV A SoccerL 0 - 1
09/10/2024@ Stoney Creek High School Logo Stoney Creek High SchoolJV B SoccerL 1 - 3
09/09/2024vs. Catholic Central Logo Catholic CentralVarsity TennisW 2 - 6
09/09/2024@ Catholic Central Logo Catholic CentralJV TennisL 2 - 9
09/07/2024vs. Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesJV FootballW 35 - 6
09/07/2024vs. Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesFreshman FootballW 20 - 0
09/07/2024vs. Brighton Logo BrightonVarsity SoccerW 3 - 0
09/07/2024vs. Brighton Logo BrightonJV A SoccerW 3 - 0
09/07/2024vs. Brighton Logo BrightonJV B SoccerL 1 - 3
09/07/2024Averill InviteCross CountryL 30 - 1
09/06/2024@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De Sales@ Fracassa FieldVarsity FootballL 28 - 49
09/06/2024vs. GR Forest Hills Central Logo GR Forest Hills CentralVarsity TennisW 1 - 7
09/05/2024@ Midland Dow Logo Midland DowVarsity SoccerW 3 - 1
09/05/2024@ Midland Dow Logo Midland DowJV A SoccerW 1 - 0
09/05/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitJV TennisW 7 - 1
09/03/2024@ Troy High School Logo Troy High SchoolVarsity SoccerL 0 - 3
09/03/2024@ Troy High School Logo Troy High SchoolJV A SoccerL 2 - 3
09/03/2024@ Troy High School Logo Troy High SchoolJV B SoccerL 0 - 6
09/03/2024vs. Groves High School Logo Groves High SchoolVarsity TennisW 5 - 3
09/03/2024@ Groves High School Logo Groves High SchoolJV TennisT 4 - 4
08/30/2024vs. Roseville Logo RosevilleVarsity FootballL 0 - 35
08/29/2024@ Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitVarsity SoccerL 2 - 3
08/29/2024@ Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitJV A SoccerL 0 - 1
08/28/2024@ Roseville Logo RosevilleJV FootballW 21 - 8
08/28/2024@ Rockford Logo RockfordFreshman FootballL 14 - 21
08/28/2024Lake St. Claire InviteCross CountryL 51 - 115
08/28/2024vs. Rochester Adams Logo Rochester AdamsVarsity TennisW 6 - 1
08/28/2024@ Rochester Adams Logo Rochester AdamsJV TennisW 7 - 4
08/27/2024vs. Detroit Country Day Logo Detroit Country DayVarsity SoccerL 4 - 1
08/27/2024vs. Detroit Country Day Logo Detroit Country DayJV A SoccerW 0 - 6
08/24/2024Kalamazoo QuadVarsity TennisW 18 - 14
08/23/2024@ TBD Logo TBDVarsity Tennis -
08/22/2024vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicVarsity SoccerW 8 - 0
08/21/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralVarsity SoccerT 2 - 2
08/21/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralJV A SoccerL 0 - 2
08/21/2024@ Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralJV B SoccerL 1 - 3
08/20/2024vs. Saline High School Logo Saline High SchoolJV B Soccer -
08/16/2024vs. Seaholm Logo SeaholmVarsity SoccerW 2 - 1
08/16/2024vs. Seaholm Logo SeaholmJV A SoccerL 0 - 3
08/16/2024vs. Seaholm Logo SeaholmJV B SoccerL 0 - 5