Freshman Basketball

90.000%Win %

Recent Games

02/06vs. TBD Logo TBDFreshman Basketball -
02/04vs. L L'anse Cruise NorthFreshman Basketball -
01/31vs. Toledo St. John’s Jesuit Logo Toledo St. John’s JesuitFreshman Basketball -
01/28vs. Toledo Central Catholic Logo Toledo Central CatholicFreshman Basketball -
01/24vs. Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sFreshman Basketball -
01/17@ Toledo St. Francis De Sales Logo Toledo St. Francis De SalesFreshman Basketball -
01/10vs. Detroit Catholic Central Logo Detroit Catholic CentralFreshman BasketballL 44 - 71
01/07vs. Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleFreshman BasketballW 53 - 44
01/04vs. South Lyon East Logo South Lyon EastFreshman Basketball -
12/19/2024@ Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Logo Orchard Lake St. Mary’sFreshman Basketball -
12/13/2024@ Warren De La Salle Logo Warren De La SalleFreshman BasketballW 57 - 52
12/11/2024@ Plymouth Salem Logo Plymouth SalemFreshman BasketballW 64 - 41
12/10/2024@ Walled Lake Central Logo Walled Lake CentralFreshman BasketballW 68 - 22
12/07/2024vs. Loyola Logo LoyolaFreshman BasketballW 48 - 82
12/06/2024vs. U of D Jesuit Logo U of D JesuitFreshman BasketballW 75 - 30
12/03/2024@ Divine Child Logo Divine ChildFreshman BasketballW 57 - 45
11/30/2024vs. Plymouth Logo Plymouth@ Brother Rice High SchoolFreshman BasketballW 39 - 84
11/26/2024@ Ferndale Logo FerndaleFreshman BasketballW 64 - 52
11/20/2024vs. Clarkston (Scrimmage) Logo Clarkston (Scrimmage)Freshman Basketball -

Upcoming Games

02/12vs. TBD Logo TBDFreshman Basketball12:00 am

News & Announcements

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Will Riker
#2 - Will Riker, G
Khalil Rodgers
#3 - Khalil Rodgers, G
Austin Elia
#4 - Austin Elia, G
Tristan Zaitouna
#11 - Tristan Zaitouna, G
Anthony Almaki
#13 - Anthony Almaki, G
Luka Petrovski
#14 - Luka Petrovski, G
Brady Quinn
#15 - Brady Quinn, F
Kilen Murray
#20 - Kilen Murray, G
Andrew O’Connor
#21 - Andrew O’Connor, F
Jackson Roe
#22 - Jackson Roe, F
Anthony Alrais
#23 - Anthony Alrais, F
Luke Brzustewicz
#24 - Luke Brzustewicz, F
Kenneth Stacy
#25 - Kenneth Stacy, F
Angelo Manni
#32 - Angelo Manni, G
