Brother Rice asks your prayers for all deceased members of our community and their families. If we have inadvertently missed someone, we deeply apologize. Please contact the Alumni Office at 248.833.2016 or via email, so we can update our records.
Class of 1964
Harvey Barker
Robert Bennett
John Boudreau
Daniel Bowers
Paul Butcher
Dale Carrico
Terence Carroll
Raymond Ciaglowski
D Coe
Donald Crawford
Dennis Denomme
John Grieshaber
Theodore Heinz
Michael Hodge
Joseph Jurczak
Dennis King
Ronald Kleinstiver
William Kopas
Ronald Kwasnick
Lawrence Markey
John McGuckin
Gary McTigue
Craig McTyre
Russell Murphy
John Nowak
Conal O’Connell
Chris Rich
Larry Ross
Michael Teefey
Class of 1965
Walter Adams
Frank Baiardi
James Barone
Hugh Baser
Gerald Bayma
Thomas Boyle
Harry Castle
Elmer Clawson
Daniel Corrigan
Rick Dietrich
George Dungan
Robert Gabriel
Robert Genso
Peter Gillis
Patrick Klein
Richard Kreuz
Michael McCarthy
Lewis Ministrelli
Dennis Mrowczynski
William Murray
William Paulus
William Scanlon
Kenneth Szymczak
Earl Tracy
John Vaughey
Class of 1966
Terrence Anderman
Peter Brennan
Frank Byrne
Michael Downey
Terry Finn
Henry Fortuna
Gilbert Goode
William Harris
John Hennigan
Geoffrey Hildebrand
Howard Keating III
James Kemp
James Menzies
James O’Donnell
James O’Neill
Peter Rich
Michael Rushlow
Steven Sheils
Michael Sold
John Stewart
John Sullivan
Mark Swoyer
James Thorson
Vincent Wallace
Class of 1967
George Arnold
Patrick Brennan
Ernest Bruce
James Close
Patrick Cloutier
David DeWulf
Hugh Ferguson
Ronald Goode
Joseph Hayden
Robert Herrick
James Hopkins
James Joyce
Robert Lund
Brian O’Hara
Daniel Parks
Henry Rachubinski
Thomas Schearer
Charles Taunt
Frank Veraldi
Class of 1968
Thomas Baumstark
Richard “Dick” Bennett
Gary Bergeron
Dennis Campbell
James Ciaglowski
William Coatsworth
Thomas Day
Thomas Graetz
Daniel Greba
Bernie Hafel
Mark Horkins
Craig “Skip” Julius
Joseph Krajicek
David Kreuz
Kenneth Longton
Frank Mazza
David Lindsay McClain
James McGowan
Patrick Morrissey
Michael Murphy
William O’Brien
Mark Popelier
Edward Safar
Douglas Safko
Gary Sheehan
Stephen Staeger
Douglas Szwed
Bruce Taunt
Robert Thorpe
Terence Tigue
Michael Walters
Raymond Walters
Thomas Westerheide
Kenneth Zafarana
Class of 1969
Michael Biallas
Ken Calvert
Patrick Connolly
Gary Crawford
Mark Cristini
Michael Cronin
Patrick Dewulf
James Fahrner
John Fehr
Dick Ferguson
Stephen Finnegan
David Fournier
Walter Garrett
Tim Grogan
William Hoffman
Patrick Klewicki
John Kogut
Robert Kohlman
Daniel Kurkowski
John Levinson
Stephen Marten
Alfred McGuire
Dave Michalski
George Moran
David Ogurek
Gerald Rowan
Daniel Sullivan
James Talpos
David Taylor
Richard Westerheide
John Whittlesey
Class of 1970
Mauro Berti
Alan Blashfield
Michael Bookmyer
Michael Breckles
Edward Bruce
Thomas Burns
Michael Connolly
Christopher Dean
Paul Denn
Paul Felice
Gregory Griffin
Brian Gromek
David Hayes
Kevin Keating
George Koch
James Kramer
Thomas Kurowski
Daniel Kurty
Mark MacGuidwin
Richard McGuckin
John Meyer
Richard Morrison
James Nagle
Roger Olkowski
Bill Perri
Eugene Rausch
Robert Simmons
Michael J. Williams
Class of 1971
Bruce Birger
Dean Blaquiere
Jim Bracken
William Breen
John Connor
Michael Davis
William Foster
James Gerback
Charles Hotaling
Mark Howting
Michael Kemp
Michael Knapp
John LaPorte
Donald Maxwell, Jr.
Michael McDonald
Paul McGill
Richard Nelson
Geoffrey Savage
Timothy Smith
Douglas Thompson
Robert Tracey
Robert Veraldi
Donald Walker
Class of 1972
John Carolin
John Doran
Kenneth Dreisig
Stephen Foster
John Hausmann
Peter Hoffman
Richard Hopkins
Timothy Ivory
Mark Kamenec
Tim Lawson
Joseph Locricchio
Scott Eugene Lukas
William McKay
Clifton Monahan
David O’Reilly
Michael C. Roney
J Smith
Kevin Wixted
Class of 1973
Thomas Abele
Robert Anderson
Walter Barnowski
Mark Bramlage
Michael Conlon
Richard Cuddohy
John Elsarelli
John Horvath
Mark Mann
Michael McCormack
Timothy Mellish
Steven Mihalak
Daniel Mullen
Thomas Navin
Bruce Nelson
Thomas O’Brien
Thomas O’Flynn
John Popiel
Stephen Reilly
Thomas Roberts
David Speth
Lawrence Sullivan
Terrance Talpos
Jeffrey Teich
Class of 1974
Casey Ambrose
Charles Austerberry
Mark Breckels
Timothy Burke
James DeYoung
Malcolm Dooley
Kurt Fanuka
James Forand
Edward Girardot
John Gnau
Norman Gratzfeld
Daniel Horvath
Stephen Hull
Kevin Hunt
Mark Jamieson
John Kona
John Mastrangel
Jeffrey Nash
Theodore Peurach
Douglas Schubert
Christopher Thomas
Joseph Wackerman
Michael Walters
Class of 1975
Mark Ambrose
John Butler
Christopher Carlini
Phil Carney
Kevin Collins
Brian Crabb
Jerome DiTommaso
Michael Dooley
Martin Fisher
William Franklin
James Larges
Joseph Lessnau
Matthew Lyons
John Marsden
Martin McCabe
Matthew Monley
Matthew Morrall
Richard Nelson
Paul O’Hara
Brad Simmons
Mark Toton
Robert Young
Class of 1976
John Andrews
Lawrence Clarke
Joseph Currier
Michael DePorre
Larry Elkins
Paul Fitzsimmons
Mark Giblin
Gregory Gilson
Francis Halla
Leonard Lewandowski
Terry Mack
Daniel Mahoney
Patrick McDonnell
Daniel Mellish
Daniel O’Leary
Victor Ray
John Stuart
Class of 1977
George Bachorski
Rick Bodick
Robert Burkhardt
Thomas Cleary
Richard Coleman
Byron Crane
James Entwistle
Stephen Harrington
Thomas Lamb
Richard Mallette
Ross Marino
Thomas McCleary
Daniel McCormack
Thomas McDonald
Kevin Naughton
Patrick Nelson
Edward O’Brien
Michael Parke
G Porter
Timothy Schearer
James Singer
James Sliney
Joseph Spina
Class of 1978
James Allor
Robert Auclair
Paul Babcock
William Barone
Daniel Barron
Joseph Blechinger
Scott Burry
Joel Everett Grandelius
Paul Machala
Peter Markey
David Moore
Mathew O’Connor
Peter Riccardo
David Simmons
Michael Wilberding
Class of 1979
Stephen Ameli
Brian Willard Babcock, Sr.
Terry Dilworth
Thomas Feaheny
Donald Fracassi
Michael Groves
Daniel Kelly
Timothy Kelly
Dennis Madigan
Dennis Ray
Kevin Sczesny
Thomas Temmerman
Daniel Walsh
Class of 1980
Andrew Baker
Michael Costello
Timothy Girardot
David Grimaldi
William Harahan
Stephen Hetzel
Gregory Kennedy
Hugh Larkin
William Lewandowski
Edward Stanners
Jeffrey Ureel
Matthew Ward
John Whitehead
Class of 1981
Michael Allen
Christopher Bedrosian
R Benkendorf
Eric Bridge
Michael Cavanaugh
Philip Ginotti
Waveford Hong
Michael Hunt
Sean Kelly
Dennis Lynch
Timothy MacLean
Michael McDonald
Michael Miller
Todd Morbach
Dean Mularoni
Timothy O’Leary
Michael Reilly
Donald Rupprecht
Class of 1982
Stephen Chapo
James Corsi
William Fearon
David Gach
Joseph Gallagher
James Hall
Kurt Leto
Brian Zatkoff
Class of 1983
Paul Apap
Michael Axon
Edward Coleman
Paul Harrington
Thomas Hehs
James Jordan
John Levitt
Christopher Ryan
Douglas Shoha
Bill Stewart
Class of 1984
Haif Alnajjar
Karl Angsten
Robert W. Baer
Michael Diegel
Kevin Gamache
Don Gill
Matthew Hehs
Eric Liposky
Robert Michalik
Bill Nelson
Douglas Reilly
William "Billy" Roberts
Dan Roche
Todd Snooks
Michael Ureel
Class of 1985
James Grimaldi
James Halling
Gregory Knotek
Eric Nylund
Patrick Parks
David Peck
Brian Sheehan
Class of 1986
Joseph Allsteadt
William Carter
Michael Faris
Michael Kennedy
Joseph Laurencelle
Robert Mechigian
Lawrence Najor
Michael Reason
Scott Rogowski
Jeffrey Sleboda
Timothy F. Steffen
Gregory Zebrowski
Class of 1987
Michael David
Robert Gagnon
Patrick Galligan
Michael Hoch
Charles Pollard
Michael Sennett
Daniel Voss
Class of 1988
Michael Fegan
Jeff Fleury
Michael Lanier
Patrick Mahoney
Stephen McPartlin
Chad Moncher
Class of 1989
Craig Blake
Ian Krul
Stephen Kubicz
Jeffrey Makar
John Sales
Brian Sullivan
Patrick Trese
Michael Tungol
Class of 1990
Kevin Boji
Derek Sarafa
Robert Utter
Class of 1991
Jeff Bucholz
Christopher Kager
Garrett Sharp
Class of 1992
Derek Fox
Brad Griffith
Thomas McKeone
Jeffrey Valade
Class of 1993
Steven Daniel Ewing
Peter Marsh
Class of 1994
Anthony Psaila
Class of 1995
Keith Bernacki
Walter Jenkins
Senan Markus
Sean Simmons
Class of 1996
Joseph Cotant
John Pilchowski
Class of 1997
Lance Atisha
David Campo
Daniel Ewing
Brooks Patterson
Class of 1998
Ron Austin
Alex Petersmarck
Class of 1999
Joseph Abdenour
Neema Bastanfar
Thomas Lossia
Ryan Najor
Class of 2000
Jason Even
Class of 2001
Class of 2002
Brian McConnell
Class of 2003
Patrick Bradwell
Matthew DeWitt
Class of 2004
Matthew Levinson
Marco Rea
Class of 2005
Dr. Justin Joseph Bahoora
Michael Burton
Adam Decker
Christopher Drypen
Jorge Torriglia
Marc Vorhees
Class of 2006
William Drew Mitzelfeld
Class of 2007
Class of 2008
Christian Nixon
Class of 2009
Moses Suleiman
Class of 2010
Ramsin Benjamin
Matthew Grigorian
Class of 2011
Cooper Michael David
Anthony Hawley
Luke Weir
Class of 2012
Alexander Thoresen
Class of 2013
Class of 2014
Cullen Haffey
Ikechukwu Onwuzurike
Class of 2015
Julian Gonzales
Peter Leary
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Class of 2018
Chase Rofick-Williams
Class of 2019
Christian Michael Cygan
Class of 2024
Luc Barron
Class of 2026
Tyler Tomina
Mary Lou Ackenbrandt
Joe Bartalottti
Karl Berndlmaier
Keith Bernacki
Carol Black
Gerald Bluhm
John Callaghan
Jim Carney
Cleve Cartwright
Joanne Christie
Henry Coucke
Brother Crimmins
Veronica Dewey
Susan Diehl-Jones
Deborah DiStefano
Brother Benjamin Favero
Marcel Gagnon
Eddie Gibbons
Lois Girardot
John Glynn
Sister Sue Gourley
Brother G.A. Gremley
Maxine Hansen
George Henretty
Lynn Hinch
Bill Homik
Jack Hretz
Brother Norbert Hueller
Charles Joyce
Dennis King ’64
Norm Krawczak
Richard Kreuz ’65
G Linderman
George Lyons
Brother David MacIntyre
Patrick McDunn
Brother McGowan
Brother Charles McKenna
Guy Morel
Bob Morris
James Murphy
John Nash
Brother Patrick Norris
Bill Norton
Patrick O’Hare
Joe Pascuzzi
Brother Celestine Penney
Michael Popson
Anne Sommerfeld
Ann Thornbury
John Walker
William Williamson
Fr. Richard Yost
In Memoriam Donation
A gift in memory of an alumnus or someone in our community is a wonderful way to honor them. If you would like to make a donation in memory of a loved one, friend or classmate, please click here, and indicate the name of your memorial honoree under Honor/Memorial.
For more information on memorial gifts, please contact Michelle Lievois.
Brother Rice Memorial Mass
The Brother Rice Memorial Mass is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at St. Regis Catholic Church, starting at 7:00 pm. We will prayerfully remember all deceased members of our school family who have gone before us. In a special way, we will recognize the members of our alumni, staff, and community who have passed away in the last year.
Live, Jesus, in our hearts. Forever!