
The standard is excellence. Our rigorous curriculum unlocks each student’s potential while nurturing integrity.

Our exceptional faculty and staff serve as dedicated and caring mentors who truly understand their students. They offer invaluable guidance and encouragement, acknowledging each student’s distinct potential and, more importantly, instilling the confidence for students to see it within themselves.


Mary Lou Stropoli

Mark Dyar ’75

Daniel Linares

Daniel Linares

James Higdon ’10

Joe Kalczynski ’96

Chris Kase

Paige Callebs

Janel Gehring

Jason Jones

Michelle Neubauer

Wendy Nuss

Adam Seneski

Andrea Vendittelli


Steve Naumann

Kyle Galli ’10

James Higdon ’10

Joe Kalczynski ’96

Kevin Krysiak

Daniel Kuptz

Noelle Ochoa

Carolyn Popp

Curt Rotter

JP Zammit


Jonathan Sadler

Gibson Groves

Bob Riker ’85

Mary Beth Klawender

Bo Chumiecki

Ryan Hess

Joe Kalczynski ’96

Nicole Murawski

Noelle Ochoa

Kara Waltz


Scott Kuschel

Doug Filo

Lindsay Hoyt

Bo Pickens ’15

Peter Riedy


Jason Jones

Bob Kroll

Thane Hall

Adam Seneski

Paul Belanger ’18

Amir Dinkha

Anita Lousia

Hubert Sanders

Mike Venos


Reed DeMarco

Nicole Battista

Katharine Christie

Rosa de la Parte

Colleen Grant
