Michael George ’72 Honored as Alumnus of the Year

Brother Rice High School Alumnus of the Year

The Brother Rice Alumni Association is proud to honor our 2023 Alumnus of the Year, Michael George ’72, a distinguished member of the school community who has exemplified the values and traditions of Brother Rice since the day he graduated. Through his passionate leadership and dedication, Michael has unwaveringly supported our mission in word and action, time and talent. He is a loyal son of Brother Rice who truly embodies the spirit of the RICE Pillars of Respect, Integrity, Character, and Excellence. 

Throughout his professional career as an investment banker in New York, Michael never lost touch with his high school roots. And upon his retirement thirteen years ago, he returned to Bloomfield Hills and became more active, serving his alma mater as a truehearted alumnus, Chair of our Finance Committee, and member of the Board of Directors. His experience and wisdom have proven to be treasured resources to help guide the next chapter of Brother Rice High School. Michael has been instrumental in supporting our mission and commitment to providing an exceptional educational experience for our students and has provided invaluable guidance and support in managing our school’s financial stability and well-being. We are grateful for his ongoing involvement as an alumnus, board member, and friend.

With a clear devotion to the graced teachings of Blessed Edmund Rice, Michael remarked, “My years at Brother Rice were memorable, impactful, and lasting. I am ever grateful to the Brothers and my teachers for instilling values that became pillars for my life while also teaching critical thinking skills that became central to my success in college and throughout my career. Fifty years later, I say proudly with conviction and appreciation, the Brother Rice Experience truly lasts a lifetime.”

We are extremely proud to recognize Michael for embodying the principles of our faith and using his talents and resources to make a difference at Brother Rice and in the world. He is an exemplary model of what it means to be a Brother Rice Warrior, and we are grateful for his tremendous leadership, guidance, and countless contributions to our school.

Michael threw out the first pitch of the Warriors vs. Cubs baseball game at Warrior Park on Friday, April 21, and was formally honored at the Senior Alumni Luncheon on Friday, May 5, at Plum Hollow Country Club. It was a beautiful day to celebrate our graduating seniors and Alumnus of the Year honoree. President Tom Reidy’s gave a moving and inspirational tribute to Michael.